Being the awesome guy that i am, i have taken time out of my busy schedule of awesomeness to find out what people think about the playbook..
Ssup Barney. My cell mate borrowed me a copy of the play book. And it's aite.

I especially like the "Am a hardcore rap artist". I think am definitely gonna try that one out when i get outta prison considering am actually a hardcore rap artist.
Barrack Obama
After the C.I.A inspected the copy of the play book you sent me, i spent hours studying it. I've

already sent a copy of the book to the russian prime-minister and he loves it. I think the playbook is what this country needs right now to get us out of this economic
mess Bush put us in. And to those who are wondering whether the plays in the playbook are
say to them.....YES WE CAN!!!
David Beckham

Fantastic barney absolute fantastic. Blimey barney the playbook
is spot-on. Me and me mates are going down to the pub to try out sum'or tha plays in tha book. Hopefully porshe doesn't read your blog.

Kobe Bryant
To be the best you've got to beat the best and i think that's what this playbook is all about. Good job barney, hopefully this book will take us to the playoffs